Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Review of Unwitting Sacrifice by Author Margaret L. Carter

Author Margaret L. Carter interviewed me, plus reviewed UNWITTiNG SACRIFICE, too, all in her May newsletter.
Sapphire Phelan

Go beyond the usual, instead take the unusual that stretches the boundaries and find romance with Sapphire Phelan's aliens, werewolves, vampires, fairies, and other supernatural/otherworldly heroes and heroines.

Here is some of what she said:
UNWITTING SACRIFICE, by Sapphire Phelan. This is the only Lovecraftian romance I've read other than my own novelette "Tentacles of Love."
Unlike my humorous-toned story, though, Sapphire Phelan's novella is a
harrowingly serious horror-romance crossover.
Her plight reminds me of ROSEMARY'S BABY, in that all the people around her, no matter how kindly they behave, are in on the secret and conspiring to make her the mother of an inhuman child. When Lisa finally awakens to the truth, will she succumb to her would-be mate's seduction or manage to escape?

Lisa Selvey moved to Necro Bay, just on the outskirts of Chesapeake, Virginia. She moved there because of its reputation for peace and quiet. To free herself of her nightmares. But her nightmares were just beginning. . .
Necro Bay was just your average American seaside town. The house she bought a normal home. The handsome man, Jacob Lindan that she met, nothing more than a sexually attractive man that whose touch made her mad with desire. Things nightmarishly changed and made her wonder if she wasn't going mad. Even worse, it made her wonder if something lurked in the shadows.


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